The instruction is intended for the personnel of energy enterprises and other organizations that carry out maintenance and repair works.
The instruction is intended for the personnel of the enterprises of electric networks operating the electric power transmission lines of various types.. Soyuztekhenergo 'with the participation of the Department for Operation of Electric Grids of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus, Vinnytsaenergo.. Standards for the technological design of overhead power lines 35-750 kV
earthing reference
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Related: The rules for the installation of overhead power lines up to 1 kV with self-supporting insulated wires contain requirements.. The instruction is intended for the development of local instructions taking into account the working conditions of employees.. Resistance of these earthing devices should not be more than 30 Ohm, and the distance between them should not be more than 200 m for areas with a number of thunderstorm hours in the year to 40, 100 m - for areas with a number of thunderstorm hours in the year more than 40. Office 365 Proofing Tools Download
ena earthing reference manual
In a populated area with one- and two-storey buildings, overhead lines must have earthing devices designed to protect against atmospheric overvoltages.. In addition, devices must be implemented: 1) on supports with branches to the entrances to buildings in which a large number of people (schools, nurseries, hospitals) can be concentrated or who are of great material value (livestock and poultry houses, warehouses); 2) on the end supports of the lines having branches to the inputs, with the greatest distance from the neighboring grounding of the same lines being no more than 100 m for areas with a number of thunderstorm hours in the year up to 40 and 50 m - for areas with a number of thunderstorm hours per year more than 40.. There will be three events at the Fall AGU 2004 Meeting that relate to Geochemical Earth Reference Model (GERM) activities.. The present Rules set out the requirements for the installation of overhead transmission lines with a voltage of 6-20 kV with protected ones. b0d43de27c